每个旅程总会给我留下一段段美好的回忆 ........ 有些片段是那么的深刻,足以深深地烙印在我的心坎里边.... 然而,有些片段却往往随着时间的流逝而渐渐地被淡忘...... 人生也不就如此吗?
于是,在旅途中,我总爱也总会有相机相伴,捕捉每一个值得我留念的镜头,哪怕只是街边的一支灯柱,草原上一朵淡黄色的小花,秋天的一片落叶...... 我是多么地渴望一刹那的镁光灯,可以换来永恒的记忆 .... 如果,人生美好的经历能时时刻刻被相机捕捉住并永恒地停留着,那可是多么幸福的事啊! 哈哈, 多么奢侈的想法,是吗? 但, 不也是你渴望的吗?
旅程结束后,我总会坐在电脑荧幕前,将一张张照片一遍又一遍地细看,努力地追溯每一个驿站,每一个月台我的心情 . 我的故事 ..........
~ 无奈,人生美好的那瞬间并非能及时用相机给捕捉住 ~
今晚,我想与你分享其中一首伴着我写 ~ 旅程 . 回忆 ~ 的曲子
J. S. Bach - Air on G String http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppj_-4rwZJg&feature=related
IF the good moment can be captured and stay forever, we might feel boring or forgot the happy feeling.
Why we can feeling happy is because we had been through a sad moment, if not we may not notice of the happy moment :)
Yea ... you are absolutely right! That's APPRECIATE .... The good moment i refer to is the nicetiest moment where we are always happy, feeling lovely and can never be forgotten... there is for sure, we want this moment to stay with us forever .... But the realitiy is we can only yearn for it and unable* to seize it .... that's why, i said it is kinda of a "luxury" thought. Guess no one would like to fall in order to be able to enjoy the happy moment ... hmmmm ... let's enjoy our life laah !!
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